Issue 193, Summer 2021
Nº 193 · Summer 2021 // Kirsten Hardie, The paper bag // John Scott
Bills of Lading // Dickon Weir Hughes, The vintage airline menu: analysing the ‘glamorous’ world of airline travel // Lucinda Gosling, John Hassall – beyond the poster king // Michael Twyman, ‘A tale of two countries’: communicating with the public in England and France in the 18th and early 19th centuries // Notes & Queries // Mrs Pepys’ Diary // Digital Life // Classified
Contributions to our Summer Issue Nº 193 of The Ephemerist are mostly concerned with the mundane-but-necessary paperwork in daily life. They include Sumner’s collection of the humble paper bag, now spanning a century, Twyman’s investigation into English and French official public notices of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and Scott’s collection of Bills of Lading, shipping cargo notices from the same period. A ‘glamorous’ side of travel is revealed through Weir-Hughes’ study of airline menus, while Gosling’s article serves as a nostalgic reminder of holidays at home, through the iconic posters of John Hassall. The Editor