Issue 192, Spring 2021
Welcome to our sport themed issue of The Ephemerist Nº 192. I am happy to report that the theme inspired contributions from a record number of Members, hence the bumper issue. We have been able to explore delightfully complex angling ephemera, nostalgia for the beautiful game in football programmes from simpler times, female emancipation in archery and croquet, the fascinating record held at the Wimbledon Tennis Museum, and small records of a colonial past at the Turf Club of Calcutta. Our regular features Mrs Pepys, Notes & Queries and The Ephemera Detective complete the issue. The Editor
Nº 192 · Spring 2021 // : An Angler’s Hobby, John Drewett // Football programmes, going, going, soon to be gone, John Tuck // Archery and croquet, Amoret Tanner // The People’s Wimbledon, Richard Jones // Turf Clubs, and balloonists Subradeep Chatterjee // Notes & Queries // Mrs Pepys’ Diary // Ephemera Detective // Digital Life // Classified